Tuesday 13 January 2015

BOOKS FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION (freely we received, freely we give)

 God established two covenants as clearly stated in the Old and New Testaments. Most Christians are aware of the existence of these two covenants but very few understand the provisions in Our New Covenant in Christ and the application of these provisions to a Christians daily life. Many are not sure what to do with the Old Covenant. Are Christians in both covenants? That is what 'Our New Covenant in Christ' explains. Order a copy today. (Limited copies are available for distribution)
 There is a lot more to deliverance than prayer and confession. Can real Christians be influenced by demons? What difference does the born again experience make in deliverance? how do believers open their lives to demons? what are the indicators that someone is under the influence of demons? What are the step and stages of total deliverance? Is deliverance a ministry gift as some teach? This book has answers to all the above questions and more. It emphasizes that every believer who understands his authority in Christ and express faith should be able to cast out demons. (Limited copies are available for distribution)
Experience has shown that many who profess to be Christians; who claim to be born again, when taken through the basics and foundation of Christianity, fall short of understanding what it means to be a Christian. This little book highlights the Gospel message, the expected response of anyone seeking salvation, the power and efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice. Overall it teaches what it means to have the assurance of your salvation.
(Limited copies are available for distribution)

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