Tuesday 13 January 2015

BOOKS FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION (freely we received, freely we give)

 God established two covenants as clearly stated in the Old and New Testaments. Most Christians are aware of the existence of these two covenants but very few understand the provisions in Our New Covenant in Christ and the application of these provisions to a Christians daily life. Many are not sure what to do with the Old Covenant. Are Christians in both covenants? That is what 'Our New Covenant in Christ' explains. Order a copy today. (Limited copies are available for distribution)
 There is a lot more to deliverance than prayer and confession. Can real Christians be influenced by demons? What difference does the born again experience make in deliverance? how do believers open their lives to demons? what are the indicators that someone is under the influence of demons? What are the step and stages of total deliverance? Is deliverance a ministry gift as some teach? This book has answers to all the above questions and more. It emphasizes that every believer who understands his authority in Christ and express faith should be able to cast out demons. (Limited copies are available for distribution)
Experience has shown that many who profess to be Christians; who claim to be born again, when taken through the basics and foundation of Christianity, fall short of understanding what it means to be a Christian. This little book highlights the Gospel message, the expected response of anyone seeking salvation, the power and efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice. Overall it teaches what it means to have the assurance of your salvation.
(Limited copies are available for distribution)

Tuesday13th Jan 2015 DAILY MEDITATION;


TEXT: Gen 1:1-13

Memory Verse Gen 1:1 (NKJV)
 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The scripture has uncountable and impeccable evidence that there is a supreme being (God) who fashioned our world.

We need reminders like this because there are several creation theories which men created by God have crafted to deny God the praise due to Him for His wonderful work of creation.

The greatness of our God is seen
In the sky and sea and forest green
All living creatures great and small
Reveal the God who made them all - DJD

Additional Scriptures;
Neh 9:6 You alone are the Lord; You have made heaven, The heaven of heavens, with all their host, The earth and everything on it, The seas and all that is in them, And You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You.
The Bible tells us that God created:the foundations of the earth (Ps104:5); the sun, moon, stars and the heavens (Ps148:1-5); the ends of the earth (Is40:28); lightening, rain, wind (Jer10:13); people (Mal 2:10); all things (Eph3:9)

To do: Look around and appreciate God's wonderful works of creation and praise Him for them

(culled from Our daily bread Jan-Dec 2001)

Monday 12 January 2015


Since last week when Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka remarked on the current political situation in the country while preaching, the media has been awash with comments and opinions; some saw him as meddling into politics and leaving his primary responsibility of tending the flock.Others think the Reverend gentleman is a citizen who has a right to express his opinion. Even among those who think he has the right of expression there are some who disagree with the way he exercised that right. Even Christians are divided on the issue of Christian involvement in politics. If Christians can be involved in politics is there a limitation? Was Jesus involved in politics? Are you involved yourself?


Sharing the real word is a blog that educates, entertains and informs all Christians old and young on life issues and events from a Scriptural point of view. There are several ways of looking at issues but as Christians we cannot afford to promote the views canvassed by the world.